One of the key reasons for health hazards in our fast-paced modern life is mental disturbances. There are different causes behind these feelings of stress and restlessness but the impact shows itself on the physical condition of an individual.

Some of the common health hazards as a result of stress and mental disturbances are as follows:

Sleeplessness and Insomnia

Lack of Appetite

Lack of Energy and Vitality

Back Pain

Chronic Headaches

Eye Problems

Weight and Obesity

Heart Issues

Blood Pressure problems

Blood Sugar or Diabetes

These are only some of the physical duress a person may be going through and there are chances of many more symptoms of chronic health issues.

We at Sri Krishna Wellness Yoga & Cultural Centre strongly advocate the inclusion of Yoga asanas as part of an everyday routine that can take care of mental health in a holistic manner.

For this reason, we have structured class plans based on several shifts at our yoga studio in Bangalore so that learners do not have any problem scheduling their available time to attend a session.

YOGA FOR Mental Peace

Does yoga bring back your mental peace? It may sound unrealistic to many but it is true. One of the main reasons for the continuously stressed mental condition is the lack of proper medication for it.

No, we are not talking of tonics and pills as prescribed by doctors; we are referring to a set of exercises that will heal the mind.

To understand this concept, you have to understand that the mind and the body are interconnected and one cannot be happy without the other.

In other words, a healthy mind cannot reside in a weak body and a weak mind cannot build a healthy body.

There are certain exercises and asanas that can be done regularly and the positive effects will be for both.

You will feel rejuvenated and healthy and your mind will be refreshed.

HOW It Works

There are a few yoga asanas that can be done daily to achieve a positive difference in both the physical and mental state of your life.

  • Yoga asanas create a more active blood circulation in the body that stimulates energy levels, which is often a cure for chronic eye stress and headaches.
  • A regular and disciplined way of doing yoga helps in building stronger and toned muscles in the body for better posture and relief from back aches and joint pain.
  • The active asanas also help in better sleep hours that give proper and much-needed rest to your body when asleep.
  • One of the main contributions of yoga asanas is the regulation and enhancement of breathing control. This greatly helps in stress relief and better flow of oxygen into the body.
  • The correct form of breathing helps in the rejuvenation and regeneration of damaged cells as well.
  • There is greater focus of the mind when stress and bodily disturbances are gone with effective asanas. You are physically active and mentally focused.

YOGA & Meditation

We try to include meditation as part of a daily routine in the lives of our students and learners. This helps them greatly to find solace and peace of mind, making them stronger to deal with daily stress and work pressure.

  • Meditation helps to give better focus to the wandering mind and gain better control of it.
  • Meditation is a great way to relax the body both before and after doing yoga asanas. It helps the body and mind find that state of calm before starting any work.

OUR Classes

When you visit us at any of our yoga classes in Bangalore, you will meet master teachers and yoga gurus who have been practising asanas for many years.

It is under their watchful eye and supervision that classes are conducted every day with separate levels of intensity for beginners and those who have been practising yoga for some months or years.

We understand the pressures of modern-day work life and the constraints of deadlines and meetings that may become a reason for the lack of personal space and time.

For this reason, we have several batches of classes scheduled at different time slots of the day; one of these will be as per your available schedule for attendance.

We have separate classes available for ladies if they choose to join that.

There are online yoga classes available both in groups and in individual or personal sessions. These are carried out virtually thus allowing a learner to join us from anywhere in the world.

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