The inclusion of yoga and meditation in the daily life of an individual can usher in a new phase of life and happiness. There is a holistic change that can be achieved with certain yoga asanas and meditation.
Yoga exercise outdoors – woman doing Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga asana Prasarita padottanasana D – wide legged forward bend pose outdoors
It is a well-known fact that the mind and the body are connected and one cannot be happy without the other. It is a lack of balance that causes a disturbance in the alignment of the body with the mind.
There are several factors that cause a state of turmoil and disturbance within the body and the mind.
- Long working hours
- Stress and tension
- Excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine
- Lack of sleep hours
- Lack of exercise and physical activity for rejuvenation of the body
- Hectic travel schedules
- Shortage of relaxation hours
- Health And Mind Problems
These are some of the factors that can cause stress and tensions within the body and the mind. As a result of such a lifestyle, you may face certain side effects as well.
- Chronic headaches
- Stressed eyes
- Muscle and joint pain
- Back and shoulder pain
- Obesity
- High Blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Insomnia
All of these leave a serious impact on your health and the state of your mind; this can affect your personal relationships and family conditions along with your aptitude and work-related performances as well.
We at Sri Krishna Wellness Yoga & Cultural Center believe in the inclusion of yoga and meditation as an integral part of our daily routine. Through our yoga classes in Bangalore, we help to bring back the lack of balance and harmony within the body and the mind.
- Regular asanas help to create greater flexibility, fitness, and toning of the body.
- There is a better flow of blood circulation in the body that enhances energy and vitality levels. Improves the skin and eyes considerably.
- Heart and liver functions are positively improved.
- Muscle strength and tissue repair are enhanced greatly with better cell regeneration and revival.
- The posture of the body is improved and this also takes care of those annoying joint pain and painful muscle pulls.
- Sleep is better and this also means a sound rest for the tired body. Much of the body’s repair and rejuvenation happens during sleep hours.
BENEFITS OF Meditation
We at Sri Krishna Wellness Yoga & Cultural Center understand the need for meditation in modern life. It is an invaluable exercise for stressed minds that are often plagued with different thoughts.
- Unless there is relief in the mind the body will not flourish well.
- Meditation helps to bring back focus to the wandering minds.
- It is a state of calm when you close your eyes and focus on the darkness around you.
- This greatly helps in improving focus and concentration on things that matter and are important in your life.
- Gradually that state of mind helps to calm your thoughts and free your mind completely.
- There is a lighter feeling you enjoy when the mind is empty and free.
- Meditation helps you to regulate and control your breathing.
- This ensures a greater flow of oxygen into your body thus stimulating good health.
We help you to achieve these goals with a proper understanding of the various postures and ways you can meditate no matter where you are.
Our individual attention and supervision through our gurus and master teachers are also available at the center.
Even in the middle of a busy work day you can find solace and calm with as less as five minutes of meditation.
EFFECTIVE YOGA Postures for Stress Relief
There are several yoga asanas or postures of exercise that can bring beneficial effects on the mind. These are very effective in stress relieving and making the mind feel calmer and in harmony with its surroundings.
Here are 8 yoga postures for stress relief and rejuvenation of your body.
Long working hours
Stress and tension
Excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine
Lack of sleep hours
Lack of exercise and physical activity for rejuvenation of the body
Hectic travel schedules
Shortage of relaxation hours
Health And Mind Problems
These are some of the popular postures that bring about a positive impact on the mind and the body when you are experiencing excessive stress and mental turmoil.
It may be noted that if you are a beginner then doing these exercises and postures with professional and trained supervision will be necessary.
Our Classes And Schedules
We have regular classes five days of a week at our yoga studio in Bangalore where you will be trained under the guidance and expert eyes of gurus and master teachers.
Our respected gurus have all been engaged in yoga for several years now and are the best proponents of this ancient art.
- We have several scheduled classes at different time slots of the day.
- Personalised classes are also conducted.
- There are special classes conducted only for ladies.
- Online yoga classes are also conducted with groups and individual sessions options.
We also have classes for Indian classical dances and sessions of bhajans and kirtans held at the center on a regular basis. Anyone interested can be a part of these and feel at peace with their inner self.
Come and join us whenever you wish.